Thursday, October 29, 2009


The terms Homosexual, bisexual, metro-sexual, transsexual, solo-sexual et al., are the words, we're all acquainted with. However, what/who is a "Petro-sexual"???
According to the Urban Dictionary, a petrosexual is a term used to describe a person who is obsessed with cars/automobiles/bikes.

Come to think of it, most guys are petrosexuals of varying degree. This obsession for automobiles is innate in most of us. People who know very little or nothing about this can't be blamed (especially my girlfriend, who always used to get annoyed whenever I gave an exotic/rare automobile more attention than her when it appeared in front of me).

People may wonder why anybody would give so much importance to automobiles/motorcycles. Well, for a layman, it may seem like a means of getting from Point A to Point B, or a white elephant that helps to accelerate the rate at which your wallet gets lighter. But for an aficionado or an enthusiast, it is about the passion, the love, the want to keep oneself updated, the joy of experiencing the machines, and of course, the desire to make it a collectible.

A petrosexual judges a person by the vehicle he/she drives in. The basic characteristics of a person are reflected in the way he/she up keeps the vehicle.

Right from childhood I used to fancy automobiles. It started off with the toys my dad used to get whenever he went abroad. I could recall all the vehicle models, their engine output, approximate year of manufacture, and all the other facts. This interest in me made my parents feel that I'd grow up to become an engineer, but sadly life took its own turns, and here I am with a Post graduation in Marketing and Human Resources.

Reality apart, my dream job is that of an automobile test driver for a reputed Auto Mag or show. No wonder Jeremy Clarkson is my inspiration.

To end it, we all need to realise that the future of these machines is not as bright as the golden era spanning through the 60s to this decade.
The internal combustion engine will have a slow death and will eventually be conquered by uninteresting yet significant vehicles like hybrids, electrics, bio-diesels, and various other lawn mover powered vehicles. So make the best use of it right now.

Believe me, for these are the words of a Petrosexual.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

She STILL loves me, She loves me not

Thanks to the mild responses I got from my maiden post, I'm motivated to write my second article on blogger. I never thought blogging was my cup of tea until a few friends from school inspired me to start writing. Still find it difficult to believe that so many old friends from school have this talent of writing; and really articulate & proficient at that. Now this is something to be envious about.

Coming to the topic... I had a steady relationship with my ex for 3 years. The commonalities among us were overflowing. The same religion, the same caste, the same hometown, the same mother tongue, the same food and culinary interests, love for roaming around, love for the same genre of music, etc to name a few.

Like most love stories, even this had its own problems in the beginning; with objections from both the families. Our blissful nonchalance to the objections made them realise the intensity of the whole thing (or was it reverse psychology that was holding us together???) and accepting us as a couple was their only choice. I, for once, was so satiated in life. The thought of having such a lovely girlfriend with whom I could share everything that was happening in my life, talk about topics of common interest (Which I think were many), paint the town red (both of us enjoyed loafing around), and help each other out in times of difficulties. Meeting everyday was an implicit norm. It all seemed perfect, unadulterated and eternal.

Those 3 years were the best I've ever had. It was a brilliant learning experience for the both of us.

Differences started cropping up around 4 months before 'Doomsday'. Fights started escalating out of control. This period of turbulence was what I called "The Great Depression". The friction that got built up was what urged us to call it quits. It was painful yet necessary; atrocious yet relieving. Goals and ambitions started taking precedence over everything else.

Calls kept coming even after 'Doomsday' followed by discussions to salvage the situation. It was a vain attempt because both of us had almost gotten over each other by then. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten everything. I don't think I can. Man, this first love indeed leaves a lot of residual matters behind. Even though I know for sure that whatever happened is irreconcilable, and I cannot get back the best days of my life, somewhere deep inside, my mind wonders if 'She Still loves me or she loves me not?'