Friday, November 20, 2009

My anatomy of some weird thing called 'Life' (Ver 1.0)

Disclaimer: These views are entirely my own and are written using the universal or generalised approach. It may seem to be paradoxical and pedantic at certain places and it's totally natural for others to have different opinions or disagree with it. We were all born and brought up in diverse environments, with different upbringing and with a different outlook towards life which, in comparison, is just like how all five fingers in a person's hand are not of the same size. So, your comments and feedback are most welcome.
This is written keeping in mind my present level of thinking and understanding. Subject to change or modifications in subsequent versions under the same title.

"Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways." -- Anonymous

1. Don't judge a book by it's cover

What you see is not what you get, seems to be the mantra for most people. Pretense and hypocrisy is the order of the day. I don't understand why there is the need to show different standards when you really don't believe in or possess those qualities from within. It's a different thing altogether if you genuinely want to improve yourself like me (Come on! Get over it will you). Probably that's why my blog is named Unpretentious Mortal. So it's best not to create or have an opinion of any person/s through hearsay or what other people say about them. Read inside the book and find out for yourself.

2.Nothing lasts forever

Yes. Nothing. Just do some introspection and you will find out. Your habits, your dreams, your ambitions, your career, your wealth, your misery, your current state of life, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your spouse... You name it. It just isn't meant to be. Now you may say: "I have a diamond that will last forever," but when the survival of the very world you live in is in question, what forever? Even if it doesn't happen, will you survive long enough to keep the fancy stone in your possession forever? Or "We're a couple who will never break up no matter what," but what if death does you apart the very next day??? So love what you have when you still have it. Don't take anything for granted. You never know when things may come to an end.

3. Cheating is primordial within everyone

Especially in India. People ferret around for the easy way out. Why not do it in the easiest and most fructifying way than do it the right way? However, much one may deny that s/he (including me) doesn't indulge in such low level activities, it is nothing but lying to yourself. Do some introspection again! From throwing away your food when you were young and then telling your mother that you finished it or, tricking your friend in a board game or, paying a little bribery to the R.T.O officials to get your driving license easily or, taking a sneak peek at your friend's paper while writing your exams are only the beginning.

4. Marriages are not made in heaven and sanctified on earth

Marriages are made on earth and broken on earth itself and it's in the power of the people getting married to nurture it. It's a grand occasion in one's life that calls for a celebration, followed by dreams of a rosy future and high aspirations from each other. Berating criticisms and arguments that follow just show that it is in the hands of the people getting married to first understand what they want from life or, if they can adjust with all the jittering and commitments that follow after marriage, or is it just the lust for the opposite sex that has lured the person into it. After all, a marriage is not a compromise. It is about giving your 100%. Just think, if marriages were really made in heaven, then why there is such an alarming rise in divorce rates???

5. Communication skills play a pivotal role in attaining your goals

Have you ever wondered how some guys who look atrocious end up with beautiful damsels or, how some worthless idiot in office with subnormal skills overtake a better deserving candidate in the promotion rung or, why a person with a great sense of humour is the most awaited one in a get-together party? It's all due to communication. I agree that other factors like money, favouritism, plagiarism, timing, sympathy, etc. plays a part in it, but it all comes next to the way you put across the message and is in some way or the other connected to the way you communicate. It need not necessarily mean to say that your oral or written or verbal communication skills need to be superior to others. Non Verbal communication, which is the most widely used, will also do, as long as the message is passed on in the most effective and comprehensible manner.

6. Most of us have our priorities all messed up

Who/what is more important to you? Which one would you rather prefer to go with?

Your parents or your lover?
Your ambitions or your family?
Your friends or your close relatives?
Socialising or keeping to yourself?
Curricular or extracurricular?
Money or Peace of mind?
Health or wealth?
Most people make the wrong decisions in life and later regret badly for not having realised it earlier.
These and various other questions keep haunting you. In life, one needs to keep shifting between the poles, but knowing the limits and drawing the line of optimisation is what one must realise and work for.

7. Everyone has the delusion that s/he is almost always right

Now I deliberately put almost in the heading. It's because many people do acknowledge the fact that they commit mistakes or cheat or act in a derogatory manner, etc. but somehow, sometime later, people make themselves believe that it was all done keeping in mind the good interests or intentions for the overall well-being of everyone around them including themselves (No pun intended). Remember, there is a jungle filled with detractors and conceited people out there. So this leads to some people thinking that they're perfect, while all the others are at fault- constantly and conveniently forgetting- that they themselves fall under the category of others to the people around them. So before taking decisions about who is right or wrong, I feel one must step into the shoes of others to know them better and to give the prejudices a break.

8. Time is the biggest healer

This is something I strongly believe in. Whatever may be the cause of mental agony, disturbances or sorrows, it is all wiped out to a large extent if not completely, as time passes. Many new events come up in life to make up for the bad ones, and which make you get over the past. Love is another great healer, but is not as freely available as time.

Hoping the post made some sense and was interesting. Look forward to the later versions of the same post which will be written as and when I learn more about this wonderful journey called errr.. What was it called? ah! Life

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