Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is this right? Voicing out before the Sun sets over 2009

Note: Please voice out your opinions too. Lest this becomes one major soliloquy :)

  • Why do I get bothered by visualisations of things or activities that I've snubbed away rather confidently? Some things that, I've tried to wash my hands clean of. Is it because I still care for it or is it because I still haven't gotten over it? Why is it that, during your testing times, everything seems to be unfavourable towards you? I have heard of a phrase which says- "Everything happens for good, and for a reason."- Is it right?

  • Is the amount of money you earn the only yardstick to measure your happiness? Is it the biggest achievement in life? Then, why do people say s/he is "doing well" in life only if they earn truck loads of money? Why do people yearn to marry someone who is "doing well"? Is a good life automatically ensured? Isn't the level of happiness and peace of mind one attains from the things s/he does the ultimate standard to measure one's satisfaction and success? Money may or may not be a part of it. Am I right?

  • We live in a democratic country. We have the power to make or break the government, but yet we complain. Complain against the system, the state of affairs, the corruption, the government apathy, the under development, the leaders (fathroos) who have been elected to rule, the efficacy of new policies etc. Isn't it all in our hands to rectify it? Isn't it our right to have good leaders? People are literally buying votes in our country by giving off a paltry amount to poor and uneducated people. Why will they (the fathroos) want to spend so many crores of rupees to come to power? Isn't it obvious that they want to reap much more money from us? Isn't it right if we blame the voters rather than blaming the government? So, the next time, before you complain about anything, just think who is at fault in the first place. After all, the basic principle of democracy says- "Of the people, by the people, for the people" isn't it?

  • Globalisation is a good thing. It has helped develop the country to a large extent. But, should it be done at the cost of our own cultural and traditional developments? Does it mean to say we're not proud of our roots? Don't we as Indians, have our own identity? Why do we want to follow the western ideologies and way of living? Is it because that lifestyle is more convenient? Is it because it's cool? Sure we've become a bunch of wannabes. Sure we can follow any foreign culture, but not at the price of our own. Am I right?

  • The next time you go to a shopping mall or any busy place, take a look around to see how many people are actually fit physically. You will be shocked to find out that the numbers are somewhere close to one or two in a hundred (Yours truly of course, falls in this category :P). This trend is soon catching up even in the villages and towns of our country. Don't the others care about themselves or don't they have time? One question comes up in my mind when I think of this- If you can't take care of yourself, how will you take care of the others around you or your dear ones??? It is a bit clichéd to reference 'Health is Wealth' when writing about fitness, but it seems to be apt here. (Just testing my rhetorical skills).

  • Now coming to the last point- Is it right for me to sit comfortably at home and ask so many questions :D? You surely need to put on your thinking caps. Reflect on this.

    This is my last post of the year. Happy New Year friends. Have a blast! Catch you in 2010.
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